Thursday, October 25, 2012

And now for something completely different: Politics

Anyone who is a Christian and planning on voting Democrat this fall, consider the following:

The Democratic party platform recognizes Abortion and women's "right" to decide whether unborn children will live or die (  This is simply legal murder, no different than the hideous crimes in the headlines recently, and cannot be reconciled with Christians' faith. 

As Christians, we believe in a God Who reserves the right to decide life and death (1 Sam 2:6, Ps 31:15) and abhors murder (Gen 9:6, Ex 20:13, Deut 5:17, Matt 5:21).  The value of human life is explicitly and repeatedly defined in the Bible and children are frequently mentioned as deserving of protection.  David praised God for His foreknowledge of each child born (Ps 139:13), St Paul corroborated it (Eph 1:4) and God confirmed it (Jer 1:5).  Children are regarded as a blessing to their parents (Ps 127:3-5) and Christ Himself made clear His love of children, through both words (Matt 18:6, 19:14) and deeds (John 3:16).  Thus, the practice of abortion is utterly sinful.

The beginning of life is often brought up when debating abortion, yet regardless of whether that is at conception or first breath, all but a few babies will grow into living infants, then children, then adults.  Since Roe v. Wade in 1973, millions of children have been killed - most of these would otherwise be alive today, many raising families of their own.

As Christians, we are commanded to visit widows and orphans and to care for the "least of these."  How can we claim to protect the innocent and the helpless if we do not stand up for the most helpless among us?  We each have a responsibility to those less fortunate, and that means supporting ministries, giving sacrificially, and - yes - even voting for those with the authority to decide the fate of children at home and around the world.

This issue need not divide us.  We can disagree over issues of Socialism, healthcare, prison reform, or gun control.  But there is no middle ground regarding abortion: there is Life, and there is Death.  I recognize that there are many unwanted pregnancies, and there are many children conceived under brutal and unbearable circumstances.  Yet these are still helpless babies that need to be protected, not killed out of vanity, anger, fear, or despair.  God made clear that no one is to sacrifice their children to idols (Lev 18:21) and while we no longer practice human sacrifice, every aborted child is nonetheless a victim of sinful hubris. 

In one sense at least, the Democrats are right: we do have a choice.  I pray that when my Christian friends go to the polls in November they will commit to God's love of LIFE.