Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Such wow....

I started playing WoW a while ago, but since I've only got the free version, my character is stuck at lvl 20...which makes exploring the lvl 20+ areas even more fun!

Can't brag about the image quality - I'm rubbish at Photoshop.  That wheel thing is an especially fun item I earned on a quest for a ghostly sailor.  Even though I've since upgraded to a better shield, I can't bear to part with it.

Monday, February 16, 2015


Although it might seem otherwise, I am not dead!  (I find this to be a common enough statement by my favorite bloggers, so I am here appropriating it)

I've decided to try and post some art that I've had lying about.  This has been part of a plan stewing about for the better part of a couple years, but I'm finally taking steps to make it happen.  The theory is that since my other blog is for literature/media reviews and related posts, this one will be for art and comics, should I ever get to that point.  As Tracy Butler over at Lackadaisy says (one of my top favorite blogs, and especially guilty of near-non-existent posts (holycrapshejustpostedshejustpostedshejustposted)), don't worry about perfection; just start and eventually you'll have a web-comic.  So here goes.

I'm currently operating on a new laptop (Lappy), which is so advanced that my old printer has yet to recognize it...or vice versa - at any rate, electronics seem to be pretty snobbish as a general rule.  At present, Printer only recognizes Old Lappy, which is actually somewhat okay, since Old Lappy (henceforth Art Lappy) is the only machine with Photoshop installed.  So for now Printer is really a scanner...

Below is the first entry: a map. 

I love maps, and I love to doodle them in the margins of class notes, seminar handouts, etc.  I like to look attentively in the speaker's direction, nodding or frowning or in some way acting as though they enjoy my undivided attention, the while allowing my pencil to wander in quick, jerky motions across the page.  The next time I look down, there's a coastline waiting on me!  I've kept everything that has a doodle on it, so perhaps one day I'll scan/clean up all of them and start combining into a single world.