Monday, November 16, 2009

The New Age and World’s End: Part 2

Picking up from Part One, Joanne was instructing me in the ways of Atlantis, in short, that through evolution, intelligent beings that were created by the Logos left their ethereal existence behind and became physical beings, moving up through the ages until human-kind came about. From thence, the primitives (did she call them ‘Liberians’?) reincarnated into the Atlanteans who reincarnated into the Aryans.

There are, however, some reincarnated Atlanteans still in existence; they constitute a class of society that is predominantly labor-oriented. Many of them are high school educated and a few are even college educated. They can own businesses and perhaps even achieve very high places in society. But they are still not Aryans; Joanne knows because she said that she’s met some pretty “thick-skulled” doctors and the like. They are wonderful, fine people, but can never aspire to Aryan levels. “We have trained them well!”

However, in light of recent history, please do not misunderstand: Aryans are certainly not superior in the least bit. Adolf Hitler was a wicked man who ruined a beautiful concept.

But I digress. Aryans are the ones that can reach their minds into the … I can’t recall. Higher-mindedness? Anyway, by reaching into the spiritual upperness, Aryans display their superior ability through works of art and magnificent things that Liberians (or whatever the tribal types are called) and Atlanteans cannot grasp, such as going to the Moon. But such power can be misused, like the atom bombs. Truman chose a life (I inferred that he chose while pre-incarnate) that would possibly land him in such a mess, but it was his choice.

All this is made possible because we learn and advance through our lives via cell-memory (see the video game Assassin’s Creed), the imprinting of life-lessons or something into our genetic material, thus pushing our kind forward through evolution.

All these concepts are universally taught by the world’s religions, sans a terribly miss-lead Catholic Christianity. The druids of Europe had it down, as did the eastern people who taught Christ, in the years that He was growing “in stature and in favor with God and Men.” Pantheism is the Way, the Truth and the Life-line to God – incidentally, the Hopi Indians had some good ideas. Oh, and don’t eat meat, because it tends to mess with one’s frequency, cutting one off from the Most High.

A lot more was said that I cannot recall, but just as we finished discussing how she could perceive – via sound resonance, or heat waves, or some such notion – that, as a writer, I was soon to embark on a great quest to collect the tales of the druids and make them new for my future audience, Mom walked up and said that the car was leaving, adding to Joanne, “I hope you taught him something!”

Ironically, she had. As pointed out somewhere in the protracted discourse on humanity’s role in a rather Lovecraftian universe, Joanne inadvertently claimed that it was all for naught. She said that the world was to end in 2012.

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